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sugar mice crochet pattern

Make 2ch                                                                             eyes                                                                 
1.6sc in second ch from hook                                                1.make 2ch
2.2sc in each ch(12st)                                                             2.6sc in second ch
3.*1sc,2sc in next, repeat * till end(18st)                              3.2sc in each ch
4.*1sc in next 2st,2sc in next,repeat * till end(24st)              with white yarn sew the iris
5.*1 sc in next 3st,2sc in next,repeat *till end(30st) 
6.*1sc in next 4st,2sc in next, repeat*till end(36st)               tail
Round 7-14 1 sc in each st                                                      1.20sc,slip st in each st
                                                                                                Sew to the body
15.*1 sc in next 4st,2sctog,repeat* till end(30st)
16.*1sc in next 3st,2sctog,repeat *till end(24st)
17.1sc in each st
18.*1sc in next 2st,2sctog,repeat *till end(18st)
19.1sc in each st
20.*1sc in next st,2sctog,repeat *till end
Insert eyes&secure..stuff the body

Round 21-22  .1 sc in each st
23.*miss 1st,1sc in next st,repeat* till the opening is closed

Fasten off

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